Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Winner of the Geisha Bag

Thanks to Randomnumber.org the winner of the geisha bag was completely chosen at random. That winner is:

Kathryn Packer Roberts!

Check your email, girl, because you have a message from me.

If you didn't win, don't fret! I have many goodies of EPIC proportions in the works. In fact, I have a meeting with an embroiderer on Thursday to hash out some details. So exciting!

Now, for a completely random change of topic: Ryan Gossling is my new hero. Wow. Talk about not succumbing to the "Bystander Effect." Thank goodness he was on scene because the tittering girls taking the video are worthless.

PS: I will discuss the "Bystander Effect" in further detail on a different post. It is something I am very VERY passionate about.