Monday, June 13, 2011

Becoming Bellatrix (Stage 4)

So look what I got in the mail today, much sooner than expected! A shiny package all the way from China. I wonder what it could be???

Okay, this was unexpected. When I opened the package up, inside I found the cutest shopping bag that I've ever laid eyes on:

And inside of that was the Bellatrix wig!!!

 Before: Mild-mannered author.


After: Psychotic wizard killer. EPIC.

I am such a nerd. :D

Anyway, Alison warned me about the dangers of using spray paint on a wig. So while I considered an alternative solution, Laci gave me a wonderful idea for adding white hair to the wig.

Check out my latest eBay purchase:

Clip in hair! Now, they claim that you can curl this hair (it's synthetic) with no problems. We shall see...

Next up - the corset!


  1. You are going to look so BAD ASS!! Woohoo!

  2. I love the idea of hair extensions! Be CAREFUL with heat on synthetic hair. It melts!

  3. oooo I cannot WAIT to see you all put together :D And love the crazy face LOL

    (p.s. this is Michelle/Elky...I'm in my other account and didn't want to switch LOL)

  4. OMG. I saw this post and then I backread and have come to the conclusion that you are going to make one badass Bellatrix!!! I cann't wait to see the final result! So cool. I wish I was dressing up for next month.
